Drive-in Workstation – 8.0m x 4.4m
Features and Specifications
The Portable Workstation is based on High Volume Low Pressure Technology. Set up and take down can be done in a matter of minutes. The Workstation runs on 240 volts. It’s very economical and can be used virtually anywhere. Carcoon’s patented airflow technology exceeds emissions requirements for capture efficiency achieving an average of 99.87%. The Workstations also meets WH&S ventilation requirement.
Our Latest drive in Workstation Features a massive 16.63 m2 of filter area. The total paint arrest filter area is 10.77 m2 (four filters). Two carbon filters add an additional 2.39 m2 helping to eliminate odours from the workstation. The two massive input filters combine for another 3.85 m2.
- Cross flow ventilated mobile Spray Booth
- Designed to help the S.M.A.R.T (mobile) Repairer comply with Health and Safety and Environment Protection
- Designed to improve working conditions and productivity.
- Workspace – 7.0m x 3.4m, 2.0m high access
- Total footprint 8.0m x 4.4m, 2.4m High
- Weight 68kg, Fan units 1 x 15Kg & 1 x 17Kg.
- PVC glass clear-flame retardant-antistatic additive
- Light weight specially coated nylon and polyester
- Heavy duty PVC coated polyester base material
- Splash proof 8mm coil type closers.
Air Supply
- Pressure fan, 4.2 Amp 1 H.P 1010 CFM- 47x35x47 weight 17.2Kg
- Max Air Supply 1/3 H.P 2860CFM 230 volt 3 speed 50Hz size 45x47x47cm weight 15.4Kg
- Air changes, every 3 minutes
- Input Filters : surface area 3.85 m2
- Type : G4 synthetic media
- Exhaust filter trap : surface area 10.77 m2
- Type : Synthetic Media Paint Arrest
- Activated Carbon return to atmosphere
- Type : Carbotec RT20 Foam.
Cost complete $13,980.00, inc GST
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Vehicle Entry

Access Airlock

Input filters and Primary Paint Arrest Filters

Replaceable base mat cover (left)
Replaceable windows (right)

Pressure Unit

Main Air Supply Unit
2860 CFM 3 Speed